Yugo is a part of Linden, having been here since 1946.
Today I learned that this iconic store will be closing its doors
for good in a few weeks time.
"A great many of you may have passed Yugo's Store in 4th Avenue Linden without much concern or with your noses up thinking the building needs heavy maintenance. But I wonder how many of you have ever been inside the rather dull looking shop. Remember those marvelous Indian shops in Durban where you could get everything from snuff to the latest bicycle - well this is the best of the best in that category. Small packets of curry stand next to huge cooking pots which are next to 4 Quire A4 hard covered books, next to alarm clocks next to toys next to those marshmallow mice and fish still sold singly. Of course nowhere else has paraffin been sold that cheaply. But more than that, this little shop of everything is the social centre for many of Linden's community. Who hasn't seen the ladies from Arthur Bales and Millies, discussing wool kinds with the owner? How many children have not gone there afternoon after afternoon waiting for their mothers under his watchful eye? How many residents do not have small accounts there which they pay off month after month year after year. The Linden shoemaker trades at the one corner. The children smile sweets out of the towering landlord. Teaboy brings you your paraffin. A huge community service centre is about to disappear in 5 weeks time without any notice. What a tragedy and where will those children go now?
Where will the debtors go to now?
A whole lot kindness is about to leave our community and most of us won't even say goodbye"!
Sandi Mackenzie

Yugo almost sold out!
This was the scene on the morning of Friday, 21 August.
Archie had started his 50% OFF SALE...
And the stock was flying off the shelves.
This is Archie, the current owner.
It was his parents who opened the shop back in 1946
Listen to what he had to say about the history of the shop
and its imminent closure:
There is such a variety of merchandise inside
that it is almost impossible to absorb it all in only one visit.
These are for those who are proud of our nation.
I have no idea what sort of super heroes these are,
But the label says that they can only be sold in a "super mapkrt"
I suppose that this shop qualifies.
Everywhere you look something catches the shopper's eye.
I bought a smaller version of the kettle to use on our wood stove.
Most people struggle to pack up a house.
I do not envy Archie the Herculean task ahead...
I wonder what is in the last two Coke bottles...
Perhaps the local hairdresser could use these?
For ages 5 and above?
Hippies started young...back in the day.
And if you look closely,
you can see cassette tapes for sale.
Christmas comes early this year.
Last opportunity to buy this pair.
So many enamel mugs.
A restaurant might be able to use them?
The store has many shelves filled with electronic goods.
When last did any of use one of these?
Has anyone still got a stoep that needs polishing.
I can remember the smell of this polish with clarity
This corner looks like the Tour de France will be coming by shortly
I know that the washing power is current,
but I wonder how old the wall paper is.
Although there is a dedicated knitting shop
just a block away, Archie too can offer a limited stock
Just in case...
Who remembers these?
In 1970 I worked in a pharmacy in Port Elizabeth.
We had a cupboard dedicated to the Lennon
and Kloktoring range.
The smell that emanated when the door was opened
is one that has stayed with me until today.
It was a mixture of so many aromas that it was almost overwhelming.
So it was with sadness that the suburb said goodbye to Archie and the store
when it finally closed its doors at the end of September.
We wish him well and the suburb can only hope that the new owners
will be able to keep the essence of this building alive
as part of the heritage of our suburb.
Many thanks for all your dedicated years to Linden.
Goodbye, Totsiens and Hamba Kahle...
"Very sad indeed!Yugo Stores has been a pillar of the Linden suburb for decades
-opened in 1946 I understand.
I knew it from 1970 onward and yes I did go inside.
Was an adventure to search through the shelves for hidden treasures.
What a piece of history and tradition will be lost when it closes.
And what a contribution to the community they have made over the years.
Always concerned, helpful and attentive no matter what customer they were serving.
What a contrast to Cresta management's recent apparent lack of concern for its customers
in a cash strapped environment".
Roz Campbell Pelletier
"Travel & Things" relies on Pentax cameras
and SanDisk,
supplied by
When last did you actually print a photograph?
"Travel & Things" images are printed
at their store in Cresta.
Great service, friendly staff
and more importantly awesome prints.
To find their current specials
or to locate a store nearest to you:
This is how I get about when I am in Johannesburg.
Travel & Things is sponsored by:
Extreme Bike Stealth.
The new way to travel in the city.
Cool Ideals is my service provider of choice.
They enable me to ensure that my articles
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Not to mention all the other benefits that FTTH offers...
Like stability and affordability!
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Linden Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Linden-with-David-Batzofin-159383254632039
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