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Chineldi Pienaar...
Tell us about your Linden practice?
I opened the practice in September 2018 and it has grown from strength to strength.
I live in Linden myself and just love being part of this community.
We have a crazy group working and coming to the practice and
laughter and happiness are what it is all about!
owner Chineldi Pienaar.
What would you like potential patients to know about you and what a biokineticist does?
I became a Biokineticist for my love of people and not necessarily my love for sport. I am passionate about what I do and helping people is extremely rewarding.
I have an extensive Orthopaedic background and I have been the Biokineticist for numerous high profile sports teams.
Where is your practice situated?
We are based in Hoerskool Linden in 6th street.
Tell us about your Linden practice?
I opened the practice in September 2018 and it has grown from strength to strength.
I live in Linden myself and just love being part of this community.
Meet the team...
laughter and happiness are what it is all about!
From L to R...
On the rowing machine...Miandi Meyer is working with us for her second year
and my absolute right hand!
Miandi has always been fascinated by health and the human body. She is passionate about people and being an Intern Biokineticist enables her
to make a positive contribution to people’s lives by improving their wellbeing.
Her interests lie in die fields of Orthopedic & Neurological conditions.
“One morning as I arrived for work I realized that I still had my pyjama top on. Luckily I always travel with a jacket/ jersey in my car.
I had to wear a jersey the whole day for work and it was not one of the coldest days”
With the ball...Kathryn Brandt.
Kathryn recently graduated with BHSC Honours in Biokinetics at Wits University where
she found interest in chronic disease management, children and sports-related injury.
She enjoys Pilates and various forms of cardio such as swimming and running.
Kathryn believes strongly in helping others to reach their goals and improving their abilities.
Not all patient interactions are about their injuries.". I was working with one of our patients and
I was wearing a knitted jersey with various patterns.
The patient really loved the design of the jersey and felt that it gave her inspiration for a new artwork.
So I happily stood in the practice as we both attempted to take pictures of the jersey
from different angles to allow for the patient to recreate her idea of the patterns and designs".
Testing her strength on the bar...Kalinka Terblanche...our new intern.
Kalinka just finished her Honors Degree in Biokinetics at the University of the North West during which
she found a special interest in specifically rehabilitation of sports injuries, children and posture-related injuries.
Kalinka enjoys Crossfit, running and being outdoors. She firmly believes in the saying practice what you preach
and that with hard work there is little one cannot achieve.
She shared this about her arrival in Linden. "I recently moved to Joburg from a very tight-knit community of a much smaller town.
Anxious and afraid of the unknown and the "big city life", I kept hearing people say things like "Linden is like a small town" and
"it is such a close-knit community" and "you will quickly feel at home".
I thought to myself that what a cliche this was and that everybody in Joburg probably was this bias towards the space they live in.
But I can honestly say that my opinion changed drastically. I have met some of the most lekker, Afrikaans, weird, quirky and down to earth people I know.
The spectrum of people I get to meet through this job is mind-blowing.
My stance on Joburg changed from "how quickly can I get out of here" to "can I please stay here forever".
And last, but by no means least. Putting herself through some cycling training,
owner Chineldi Pienaar.
What would you like potential patients to know about you and what a biokineticist does?
I became a Biokineticist for my love of people and not necessarily my love for sport. I am passionate about what I do and helping people is extremely rewarding.
I have an extensive Orthopaedic background and I have been the Biokineticist for numerous high profile sports teams.
I have a passion for people and loves her practice. She has a special interest in orthopaedic conditions,
as well as performance enhancement and injury prevention in young sportsmen and women.
Even though my background is very sport-related we have a very relaxed practice and enjoy working with people of all ages.
I pride myself on staying very up to date about new research and development in the field of rehabilitation.
I pride myself on staying very up to date about new research and development in the field of rehabilitation.
Is there an upper and lower age limit for patients?
No we all enjoy working with a variety of people of all ages and backgrounds.
We have state of the art equipment in this practice and we can say that we are one of only a handful of practices
who can perform these kinds of scientific objective assessments.
Equipment includes: (I have attached a document with more specific info on the equipment)
Biodex isokinetic system
Humac balance system
Neurotrac EMG

Do you have any areas of speciality?
I prefer Orthopaedic rehabilitation like painful/pre and post-operative knees, hips, ankles, shoulders, neck and back.
But we also do a lot of performance screening for injury prevention, concussion baseline testing as well as postural screenings.
How can patients benefit from treatment?
What patients don’t often realize is that it is better to treat the cause than the symptom.
Biodex isokinetic system
Humac balance system
Neurotrac EMG

Do you have any areas of speciality?
I prefer Orthopaedic rehabilitation like painful/pre and post-operative knees, hips, ankles, shoulders, neck and back.
But we also do a lot of performance screening for injury prevention, concussion baseline testing as well as postural screenings.
How can patients benefit from treatment?
What patients don’t often realize is that it is better to treat the cause than the symptom.
By assessing objectively we can determine where the weak or overworked muscles are
and get straight to the cause instead of only treating the symptoms around it.
This gives us a more permanent solution with fantastic results.
Do you have to be supple to benefit from treatment?
No, you don’t have to be anything expect willing to start- we will do the rest

Do you have to be supple to benefit from treatment?
No, you don’t have to be anything expect willing to start- we will do the rest

How long do treatment courses take?
Dependent on the patient and injury but we normally do 8 sessions
over 4-8 weeks before we re-assess.
Do treatments involve needles?
Nooo, not at all. Exercise is our only modality of treatment.
Are there any underlying conditions that would preclude a potential patient from receiving treatment?
No, in fact, because we are trained in the field of exercises for special populations most people
with underlying conditions will be better for training with a Biokineticist.

Can the services of a biokineticist be used as a preventative measure or
does there have to be an injury first?
We are all about prevention being better than cure. We do a lot of performance-based intervention because of the amazing equipment we have.
This is especially valuable in young athletes but will benefit anyone wanting to know more about their bodies and what it can/cannot do.

What other services does your practice offer?
Did I mention that we do discovery and momentum fitness tests? Because we do…
Discovery Vitality Fitness Assessment:
The Vitality Fitness Assessment is made up of two parts – the first part measures your cardiovascular fitness and the second measures your strength and flexibility.
It has been designed to give you an accurate and personalised understanding of your fitness.
After the Vitality Fitness Assessment, your biokineticist will show you what you need to focus on to get fitter and stronger.
If you are coming for an assessment, please bring the following with you:
If you are coming for an assessment, please bring the following with you:
Comfortable clothes, running or walking shoes, a gym towel.
The assessment will take 45 minutes to complete.
You can earn up to 7500 points depending on your fitness level.
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