Tuesday, April 3, 2018

WOW launch, Foto First, Cresta Centre. A new dawn for photo prints.

From the left, MD of New Teltron, Sam de Jager looks on
 as Brett Skolmen (Marketing and Sales) welcomes the guests to the launch.
It was an interesting mix of senior staff, representatives from Fujifilm 
and several professional photographers, myself included.
This was not the opening of a new store, 
but an addition to the existing Foto First store
 in the Cresta shopping centre in Randburg.
Being only 2.6km from Linden, I have made it the unofficial Linden Mall.

MD of Fujifilm ZA, Mr Hata Takeo explains to us what the purpose
 of this new addition to the store will bring.
Much like old film cameras making a come back,
it seems that people want to start printing pictures again.
And not in the usual. "let's put it an album kind of way".
They want to display them in new and inventive ways.

There seemed to be a bit of a hiccup in the cutting of the ribbon.
Not quite the sharpest scissors was available to do the job...
and it took a moment or two accompanied by laughter
 from the assembled group to get it done.

And finally...
Step right in and have a look

Seen at the launch:
L-R: David Batzofin, Brett Skolman, New Teltron head of marketing and sales.
Sam de Jager MD, New Teltron and Mr. Hata Takeo MD, Fujifilm ZA

And this is whart the WOW Photo Shop offers:
A variety of different type of mounting and framing is available.
From 3D floating frames,hexagonal, almost beehive-like, type of canvas mounting.
The store currently has the facility to print on either canvas or paper in store.
And in almost any size up to A0!

This new addition to an existing store is a first of its kind in South Africa
and will hopefully be the forerunner of many more to come.
The new products will make for great gifts as customers 
can start off with a blank wall and fill it one frame at a time.
To my mind, this would would make a wonderful ongoing gift...
much like a charm bracelet, but using photographs.
Be the first to have one of these new products on YOUR wall.
The store opens at 09h00 daily, 

Aside from these new products, Foto First constantly runs specials.
To find out more about those, visit:

Support local, support Linden.

Please note that all images, unless otherwise stated, are my IP.
They may not be copied from this Blog posting used individually
without permission and the relevant fees being paid. 

Travel & Things is sponsored by:
Extreme Bike Stealth.
The new way to travel in the city.
 Cool Ideals is my service provider of choice.
They enable me to ensure that my articles
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GammaTek is my powerbank supplier of choice.
One of my problems is often lack of battery power
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